Cogs Agency, Books for Breakfast and Ken Segall

  (Pictures courteous of Peter Greenwood) Cogs Agency recently co hosted another Books for Breakfast event at Soho House, with the author Ken S…


(Pictures courteous of Peter Greenwood)

Cogs Agency recently co hosted another Books for Breakfast event at Soho House, with the author Ken Segall talking about his latest book, Insanely Simple – The Obsession That Drives Apple’s Success.

If you don’t know who Ken is, he was a Creative at CHIAT and was a member of the team that created Apple’s legendary ‘Think Different’ campaign and he was also responsible for that little  ‘i‘  that’s part of Apple’s most popular products.

On Thursday 31st May we had the pleasure of Ken’s company for the morning. The format was simple, invite a select audience, lay on breakfast & coffee and then sit down and have a Q&A with an engaging author.

For those of you who couldn’t make it Ken was both engaging and humble and not without a sense of humour as you will find out when reading his book. He talks about Jobs the man, how he could cut you down but also elevate you to do a better job. Most interestingly he discusses the fall and rise of Apple as a business and how Simplicity has been the key to their success. Don’t be fooled into thinking Simplicity is easy, it isn’t.

Get yourself a copy and read it as it’s well worth your time and you never know, you might just put a little dent in the universe yourself.

We will be doing a short interview with Ken in the very near future so do please watch this space.


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