The Business Developer Craze: Berlin

With a surge in the start-up scene and an influx of digital agencies, business developers in Germany are hot property!

Business Developer

There’s been plenty of news about the buzzing economy of Berlin and other leading cities in Germany recently. With a surge in the start-up scene to an influx of some of the world’s most established digital agencies, as well as a variety of alternative businesses and consultancies setting up shop across Germany.

As the number of businesses increases, so does the need for meticulous business development and superb sales to set businesses apart from the competition. Currently Cogs Berlin are seeing a huge requirement for german speaking business developers, with a good knowledge of the local markets, with the talent to push businesses to the next level.

Here are the top 5 Business Developer Roles in Germany now:

Sales Manager – Munich

Do you have an affinity for technology & IT, expertise in digital media sales and online marketing, and willingness to travel? Join an international network for IT professionals with their own app and tools is looking up

Affinität für Technik & IT, Knowhow in Digital Media Sales und Online Vermarktung, sowie hohe Reisebereitschaft? Ein internationales Netzwerk für IT Profis mit eigener App und Tools sucht dich.

Business Developer (Mobile) – Berlin

Is performance and/ or mobile marketing your profession? If you  make excellent relationships with customers and service providers, and also have the talent pitch? You could be the one to take responsibility for the construction of the Berlin office of an international full-service agency:

Performance und/oder Mobile Marketing ist dein Metier? Du bildest exzellente Beziehungen zu Kunden & Dienstleistern, überzeugst mit Pitches & Cases? Übernehme Mitverantwortung für den Aufbau des Berliner Standorts in einer internationalen Full-Service Agentur.

Business Development Manager – Cologne / Home Office

No fear of technically complex development projects? Would you like to consult clients in integration processes? If you are knowledgeable about CMS such as as Sitecore and AEM (CQ) then you could be the ideal candidate to join this Digital Agency who work across, tech and content, internationally.

Keine Angst vor technisch komplexen Entwicklungsprojekten? Du berätst Kunden verständlich zu Integrierungsfragen? Knowhow in ECMS wie Sitecore und AEM (CQ)? Eine Digital Agentur für Strategie, Tech & Content mit internationalen Eltern sucht dich.

Business Developer – Berlin

Be a part of the entire sales cycle from market analysis, through lead generation through to key accounting in this fantastic role. You will be responsible for building the team and the presence in DE for an international performance marketing agency who cover search, display and social.

Begleite den gesamten Sales-Zyklus von Marktanalyse, über Lead-Generierung hin zu Abschlüssen und Key Account. Sei mitverantwortlich im Aufbau des Teams & der Präsenz in DE für eine internationale Performance Marketing Agentur für Search, Display, Social.

Business Development Manager Finance – Berlin
Business Development Manager Public) – Berlin

A leading digital agency in strategic partnership with one of the largest IT companies in the world is looking for a business developer with experience in finance or public sector specifically. You should be accustomed to strategically consult C-Level decision makers and be able to sell and negotiate.

Ein führende Digital Agentur in strategischer Partnerschaft mit einem der größten IT-Konzerne der Welt sucht Business Developer im Bereich Finance oder Public. Du bist es gewohnt auf C-Level strategisch zu verkaufen und zu verhandeln, und besitzt ein relevantes aktives Netzwerk? Lust auf Großkunden im Bereich Regierung, Verwaltung und Banken?

Business Development Consultant – Berlin

Are you well connected in the consumer sector? Can you create safe strategies and concepts and confident to present? This agency who specialises in brand recognition is looking for someone who understands the market and is knowledgeable about competition:

Du bist gut vernetzt in den Consumer-Branchen? Erstellst sicher Strategien und Konzepte und überzeugst mit Präsentationen? Du hast den Markt und Wettbewerber im Blick und ein Auge auf Entwicklungspotentiale? Werde Teil einer Agentur für Markenkommunikation.

All of these exciting roles require a fluent German speaking individual with extensive knowledge of the German market. If you would like to find out more about any of these roles please contact the team in Berlin, or explore more opportunities here:

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