The Time to Find a New Job, is Now

Looking for a new job is always a huge decision but we discuss why now might just be the right time to do it

When is the right time to look for a new job? How long should you stay with one company?Would you choose that company now given everything you know about working there? 

Looking for a new job or moving roles is always a huge decision and it is understandable that many question, is now the right time to move?  However, the recruitment industry is currently enjoying a revival and with a candidate driven market, this could be the best opportunity for you to make a move.

The time is now

Following the height of the pandemic, 2021 actually saw a positive rise in recruitment with businesses pushing for growth and development. The fight for the best talent is officially on and as a result many businesses are offering increasing pay, perks and opportunities, so making a move now could work to your advantage.

As we recently reported in our “Future Forecast for Talent in 2022″ Trends are changing all the time, there is currently a rise in tech opportunities from food delivery to e-commerce and home entertainment. Digital transformation is still a focus for many businesses and will reach across branding, R&D, production. Digital tech and digital design talents are both areas in high demand in both digital agency and brand companies.

Moving for Salary

Salaries are set to rise across the globe in 2022, with UK articles claiming up rise of up to 15-25% in professional salaries in the UK and Asia predicting a rise of 1.9% in salaries across the regions.

Orsolya Kovács-Ondrejkovic, an associate director at BCG and a co-author of the most recent Decoding global talent  commented “As companies across all industries digitise, salaries for tech talent have skyrocketed to a level where few employers can compete.”

So if salary is your biggest driver it would be worth while considering a move while the market is at a peak.

Moving to Up-Skill

Digital Transformation continues to sweep through the industry as well as the switch to digital e-commerce. This has created a dislocation in the job market, meaning many people in jobs that are no longer in demand.

Half the global workforce will require reskilling by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). So if you are in an industry or role that is changing and demand for your expertise is dwindling, then it is more important than ever to look for ways to ups-kill and evolve your career path.

Moving for a Change

Reports also show that the average time a job is around 4.5 years, but in digital industries this reduces to 2.5 years. This time would enable an individual to establish themselves, prove their worth as an employee and show loyalty to the business. But remaining in role for too long can be detrimental, some hiring manager may suggest a lack of cross company/client experience.

So if time is ticking on your current role and you are ready for a new challenge then now is the time to do so. Individuals who have had several jobs are sometimes deemed more employable as they are able to adapt quickly to new working environments.

Moving for Values

There’s been a noticeable shift in what attracts people to (or retains them to) a business over the past few years. Choosing a business that supports your beliefs and values, has a culture you want to be a part of, can often be more important than salary. You might find yourself in a business that ultimately does not align with your values

Employees are becoming more “belief-driven”, with 6 in 10 of those changing jobs seeking a better fit between their own and their employer’s corporate values.

You might find yourself in a business that ultimately does not align with your values or has a different stance on social issues and in light of this feel you need to move on.

Moving for Work Life Balance

2022 is the year of the hybrid business, flexible working has never been so accessible. With also almost  70% of workers want a career change. They’d take better work-life balance over higher pay.  Achieving a work life balance is so important for mental well-being, and businesses around the Globe are really beginning to see the benefits that flexible working can offer their employees. Unfortunately not all industries or businesses are able to offer this, but if it is important to you – then perhaps its time to explore other options and set out for a more flexible role to invest in.


Ask yourself this question, “do you work to live or live to work?” Now is the time to regroup, refocus and re-assess your goals and aspirations, whether they be personally or professionally. The power balance in the workforce is shifting and you are a force to be reckoned with. Take the time to really look at your organization, the people,  the culture, their values. Think about your role, your work life balance and what you really want to achieve.

You might realise that actually what you are where you want to be and everything you have invested in your current role is worthwhile and it will meet all your aspirations and needs. Or maybe, you realise that actually a different path, a different way of working or a skill you’ve always wanted to nurture might now be ready for some attention.

If you want to speak to any of the team at Cogs to see if there are any  jobs and opportunities better suited to your talent and lifestyle, we might just be able to help.

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